Saturday, July 14, 2012


What does it mean to be strong? My whole life when people hear my life story and where I've been, they think "strength" (or pity, depending on the person). Not that these events are any sort of badge of honor. I believe things happen to us to prepare us for something.

I had a professor in college once tell me,

"One day you're going to have to prove what you've got."

This has always stuck with me as a sort of foreboding and cautionary statement.

Does being strong only mean being able to take a hit? It doesn't take a man to stand and lose his strength to life's onslaught. If so, I'd rather not be strong for myself or anyone else, if it means peace.

I feel my life is beginning to crumble, just as I'm putting huge pieces together for the first time. Personally, I mean. Professionally, I won't be successful until after law school.

I'm losing my wife, I think. And since I've been fighting for her for a while, I think I probably lost her a while ago.

I suppose more than anything right now, I feel alone.


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